AMTAS Flex automated audiometry testing

How Can AMTAS Flex Help My Practice Grow?

Reading Time: 2 min
by Tony Lombardo, MS

AMTAS Flex, GSI’s self-directed screening and air conduction threshold audiometer, has multiple intended uses for a dispensing audiology practice.In general, AMTAS Flex could be used for everything from community outreach efforts, annual audiometric testing, open houses, and walk-ins. The system itself consists of a windows based tablet, which is perfect for data management and NOAH integration, and a set of calibrated Radio Ear DD 450 headphones that are commonly used for extended high frequency testing. This makes the system lightweight and very portable.

Many independent practices develop relationships with assisted living organizations and nursing homes to coordinate things like “lunch and learns”, regular on-site hearing aid cleanings, and consultative services. Often times, free hearing screenings at regular intervals are offered where the practitioner spends a couple of hours testing residents' hearing and then advising them. With AMTAS Flex, it is possible to coordinate with the activity director to have the tablet available for a few days in a quiet room where residents could come in to take a quick hearing test at their leisure. The software uses a headphone check (to make sure the transducers are on the appropriate ear), and then instructs that patient on how to take the test with either a video or text instructions on screen. AMTAS Flex can be configured to have identifying demographics entered prior to taking the test. This allows the practitioner to connect with that resident about the results and the follow up services that are recommended. Additionally, AMTAS has an option for tests results to pop up after the test for the patient to review. It has accompanying text to help explain the audiogram and insight into their results in particular. Since AMTAS Flex runs in “kiosk mode”, at the end of test, and after results are displayed (if it is configured to include it), it will return to the start screen. It will not be possible to quit the program or get into the tablet operating system without a user name and password. Results can be printed off as a PDF (a patient report and practitioner report are available), or results can integrated into GSI suite for reporting. AMTAS Flex can also be used at places like health fairs, at bedside in hospitals, in a patient’s home, and in schools. Obviously, this is by no means an exhaustive list. AMTAS Flex can go anywhere!

There are numerous applications for AMTAS Flex in outreach efforts, and it has just as many possibilities in the office. Many independent offices are located in areas that have a lot of foot traffic and regularly have people who stop in simply because they happened to walk by. Unfortunately, they don’t always stop by when someone is immediately able to see them. Office staff can be trained to get people started on AMTAS, which can buy time for the practitioner to finish up with their current appointment and possibly squeeze the walk-in patient into the schedule so no opportunities are missed. If you have a satellite office that has front office staff, you can capture threshold or screening test data when the practitioner is not physically there. AMTAS Flex can also come in handy for up to date audiogram testing for current patients. At an annual visit, the patient could use AMTAS Flex while the practitioner checks and cleans their hearing aids, cutting down on time testing, and leaving more time for adjustments and additional counseling. AMTAS Flex can also be used for things like open houses. When targeted marketing is used to encourage people with potential hearing loss to come in and have their hearing tested, there are always those with normal hearing that stop in who are just curious about their hearing status. Starting everyone with a quick self screen can help sort out the normal hearing folks, allowing the practitioner to focus more time and effort on those with hearing loss.

GSI AMTAS Flex is a powerful tool for a private practice, and can be deployed in a variety of creative ways. Learn more about automated audiometry and find out what AMTAS can do for you!


Tony received his master's from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh with an emphasis on pediatric audiology. He has over 20 years of experience in the hearing industry and has worked in a variety of settings. He has experience performing diagnostic testing with all age ranges, industrial audiology, retail, hearing aid financing and insurance, practice development programs and industry trade shows. At GSI, Tony is focused on training, support and education.